[Swansea Hackspace] Hackspace first meet 11March

Neil Jones neil at nwjones.demon.co.uk
Wed Mar 6 23:59:52 GMT 2013

On 06/03/2013 20:24, Alan Cox wrote:
> On Wed, 6 Mar 2013 19:53:13 +0000
> Dan Craggs <dancraggs at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Anyone happen to know what bus will go past there then?
> Assuming you actually mean the one in Tallwyn then its about 20 minutes
> from the Kingsway on the #30 according to the bus timetable, not that
> I've ever done that trip (nor will I be doing it this time).
> I think a Swansea hackspace probably ought to meet in Swansea 8)
> Alan

I must protest strongly at the SILLY decision to hold the meeting at 
such  a crazily inaccessible location.
It isn't in Swansea proper but as the name says HALF WAY to NEATH.

Now we find that Alan Cox who is a world famous figure in the Open 
Source movement  and who would be an asset to
the group cannot attend! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Cox
I quote "He was once commonly regarded as being the "second in command" 
after Linus Torvalds <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linus_Torvalds> himself"

This means, to put it clearly, that the modern internet as it exists 
today, google etc. Is crucially reliant on his work over the years in 
order to function.

I myself am doubtful about it because of the poor access. WE MUST 
organise this to work around central Swansea locations.
My concern is if you start biasing it away from people without transport 
then we might find that the Hackspace itself is placed at an 
inaccessible location
and that it will fail as a result.

Please please can we not assume that everyone has car transport and 
arrange things near motorways so that those with cars and not 
inconvenienced for a few minutes extra driving and those without cars 
have to spend an hour more travelling because of the vagaries of the 
transport system or are put off because they
don't want to be travelling back on late buses full of drunks.

I myself live in Neath and the last train is at around 10:30


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