[Swansea Hackspace] Funding and Locations

Justin Mitchell justin at discordia.org.uk
Fri Nov 22 12:05:06 GMT 2013

First off, for those that weren't at the last meeting, we are now
officially incorporated as a company limited by guarantee, company
number 08777436.

This will allow us to obtain a bank account, and to start applying for
grants and other types of funding, which is what i wanted to talk to you
all about.

At the moment we have a couple of locations around the city available
for us to use for meetings, generously offered to us for free by their
respective owners.

However we are still limited by these spaces in what we can do, many
types of project, and building a collection of communal equipment are
not practical until we have our own full-time space.

Gerrit has done a wonderful job of engaging with a local housing
association and some other similar groups, but so far this has not
uncovered any suitable spaces at a price we could reasonably afford at
this stage.

An alternative way to bootstrap ourselves would be through some kind of
funding or grant which would temporarily allow us to rent a place whilst
we build enough membership to sustain it.

So, i appeal to you all, to share with us any ideas you may have for
potential sources of funding, suitable cheap or subsidised properties,
or even just suggestions of contacts in appropriate authorities.

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