[Swansea Hackspace] CNC Mill Progress

Justin Mitchell justin at swansea.hackspace.org.uk
Wed Oct 29 10:52:28 GMT 2014

On Wed, 2014-10-29 at 10:48 +0000, Ian Bullfrog wrote:
> dimensions for wood for mill?
> my friend works in forest timber and there are some large/solid, 
> composite wooden girder parts, ie
> 10-20 cm thick, and about 30-40cm wide and well over a metre long

Its only a little desktop machine, the bed is probably about 200x300mm

Probably just looking for an offcut of wood about 150mm square about
10mm or so thick, that we can mill the top off to level the machine,
then mount PCBs to it.

I have seen suggestions that MDF is bad because of the fine dust,
although someone (sorry i forgot who) donated an old vacuum cleaner to
use with it.

Now if i can just find something to generate sane gcode under linux, the
inkscape gcodetools generated stuff that looked sane in the visualiser,
but when you ran it went awol. FlatCAM does the PCB gcode nicely, but
that doesnt help milling a flat bed.

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