[Swansea Hackspace] Laser Cutter progress

Justin Mitchell justin at swansea.hackspace.org.uk
Tue May 26 13:10:27 BST 2015

We are making excellent progress with the laser cutter, it has now been
fitted with many interlocks and safeguards to prevent accidental
exposure to the laser when it is operating, and to obscure all those
places where you could previously peek inside.

We have one more safeguard to complete, which will ensure that the water
cooling is operating before you can fire the laser, which is for it's
protection more than ours.

Once this is complete and we update the various safety notices we should
be able to run some real jobs through it, and give training to the very
keenest of members. The software to drive it is still the supplied
windows tool, and is therefore not the easiest to work with, but we will
be replacing the control electronics and offering a more familiar
interface to it in the near future, we just wanted to get the device
operational as soon as possible.

Can people please login to the website and vote on the courses they
would most like to see so that we can prepare notes and materials.

Image: Minimum Power setting cutting text into paper
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