[Swansea Hackspace] Quick report on Coastal Tenant Fun Day

Gerrit Niezen gerrit.niezen at gmail.com
Wed Oct 28 09:25:25 GMT 2015

Hi everyone!

Yesterday Eleri from TechHub and I represented Swansea Hackspace at the Coastal Housing Tenant Fun Day at LC2:
https://twitter.com/SwanseaHack/status/658974645706735617 <https://twitter.com/SwanseaHack/status/658974645706735617>

There was a lot of interest, from little kids being amazed by the 3D printer to members of the public (and Coastal employees) getting excited about the possibilities of a hackspace. There was a photographer too, so there may even be photos in the newspaper ;)

We had a (Makey Makey) banana piano set up for the kids: 
- https://twitter.com/TechHubSwansea/status/658967724429877248 <https://twitter.com/TechHubSwansea/status/658967724429877248>
- https://twitter.com/TechHubSwansea/status/659048556221870080 <https://twitter.com/TechHubSwansea/status/659048556221870080>

Some more good feedback: https://twitter.com/Kirsty_Coastal/status/658988186358689793 <https://twitter.com/Kirsty_Coastal/status/658988186358689793>

I started off by printing some whistles, but once the kids figured out that you can make “almost anything”, requests flooded in and a mini-football, mini-pig, mini-pikachu and mini-flower got printed as well.

Unfortunately the a couple of things went wrong with the 3D printer (I didn’t want to move it from the space, but my alternatives didn’t work out):
- The bracket for the z-axis stop switch broke (it was cracked, but moving the printer didn’t help) - I temporarily fixed it with some blue tack, but we’ll need to print a new bracket
- The orientation of the new Rumba board caused the USB cable connector to weaken, which halted prints every time the table got bumped - does anyone have a spare USB cable with mini-B connector?



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