[Swansea Hackspace] Daily Countdown (but working days not calendar)

Alan Cox alan at lxorguk.ukuu.org.uk
Thu Jan 28 09:37:09 GMT 2016

> Ideally it would be something that I could run off a re-chargeable battery
> pack for portability but plugging in would be okay.
> Would this be a Raspberry Pi project or would you recommend an Arduino?
> All suggestions very gratefully received...

I would think pretty much any tiny microcontroller can do it. SPI rtc,
SPI led driver and that's about it. The program ought to be tiny and the
data file you need is 366 bits. Even the lazy man's version is going to be
under 1KB (table with the correct number to show for each 'day of the

A PI would be able to run ntp, scrape the government web sites and adjust
if they change the official bank holiday list but does draw somewhat
higher power.


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