[Swansea Hackspace] [Announce] Hack the Space (Move)

Justin Mitchell justin at swansea.hackspace.org.uk
Tue Sep 20 16:02:06 BST 2016

The Hackspace is moving! but, just up a few floors.

On Saturday 1st October we need as many hands as we can to pack
everything up, carry it up 3 floors, and unpack and setup our new room
on the 4th floor.

We intend to start the move around midday, and it will carry on as long
as there is people there and things to do

The new room is a similar size, but different shape, and we have
accumulated a lot of stuff, so help of all sorts is appreciated, not
just carrying and moving, but also organising and arranging.

There will be free pizza and light refreshments for helpers to help
everything along.

See you there!

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