[Swansea Hackspace] Python Workshops

David Davies-Day djdavies83 at hotmail.com
Thu Jan 25 18:54:15 GMT 2018

I prepped the desktop and team viewer, to control from my laptop at the tutorial but the laptop is playing up and I can make it, a long shot but, ìs there any possibility on new audio stream ora member kind enough to urn Facebook messenger video for me to work along from home?

Or would you have materials/notes I could work from on my own another time?

No animals were harmed in the making of this email. However, several thousand electrons were severely inconvenienced.

-------- Original message --------
From: Matthew Daubney <matt at daubers.co.uk>
Date:2018/01/21 19:15 (GMT+00:00)
To: Swansea Hackspace <hackspace at swansea.hackspace.org.uk>
Subject: Re: [Swansea Hackspace] Python Workshops

Yup! This Thursday from 7pm

On 21 Jan 2018 15:53, "David Davies-Day" <djdavies83 at hotmail.com<mailto:djdavies83 at hotmail.com>> wrote:
Just wanted to double check, it's this Thursday from 7pm?

No animals were harmed in the making of this email. However, several thousand electrons were severely inconvenienced.

-------- Original message --------
From: Matthew Daubney <matt at daubers.co.uk<mailto:matt at daubers.co.uk>>
Date:2018/01/21 14:07 (GMT+00:00)
To: Swansea Hackspace <hackspace at swansea.hackspace.org.uk<mailto:hackspace at swansea.hackspace.org.uk>>
Subject: Re: [Swansea Hackspace] Python Workshops

You can install python 3 alongside python 2. If people want to go this to the come and see me Monday evening at the space!

On 21 Jan 2018 14:05, "Neil Jones" <neil at aurinia.co.uk<mailto:neil at aurinia.co.uk>> wrote:
Can I just warn people. I recently upgraded a machine to python 3 and it took over an hour.
So don't just assume you can spend a few minutes before you come on installing the software.
You don't have to sit around watching the machine but the process is prolonged.


On 05/01/18 20:19, Matthew Daubney wrote:
Ok, so pre-requisites will be:

1. Install Python 3 (https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-364/). I'd prefer you have python 3 as everyone is now dropping support for Python 2
2. Have an editor installed.

If you're on Windows, ensure your path is setup correctly after installing python by opening a terminal window and typing "python". If you get command not found or similar, we'll need to fix it. Do the same with "pip".

2 is a contentious subject. You can use whichever editor you wish, but if you're new to all of this I'd recommend PyCharm (<https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/download/>https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/download/) The community edition is free (As in beer) and its relatively feature filled. I used it for many years, but have recently gone back to ViM because I hate myself, or something. You can, of course, use emacs (or as someone I once worked with did, emacs with the ViM keybindings) Others include Sublime Text, Visual Studio Code and Atom.

If you're unsure or have any questions, I'll be at the space the next two mondays, or just ask here and I'll answer as best I can. I'll go over pip (the python package manager) and virtualenvs on the day as they're not entirely necessary, but make your life 1000% easier :)

On 5 January 2018 at 13:05, Matthew Daubney <matt at daubers.co.uk<mailto:matt at daubers.co.uk>> wrote:
Yep. I'm in two minds over this. Part of me is considering doing the whole thing from Jupyter notebooks and I'll just run my laptop as a server, part of me thinks we should just dive in inside an interpreter..... I'll have a think and put something up this evening with instructions :)

On 5 January 2018 at 11:31, Andrew Price <<mailto:andy at andrewprice.me.uk>andy at andrewprice.me.uk<mailto:andy at andrewprice.me.uk>> wrote:
On 03/01/18 15:33, Matthew Daubney wrote:
And the winner by a nose is Thursday the 25th of January. I'll confirm what
you'll need if you're coming, but you'll definitely need a laptop!

Just a thought: you might want to write some pointers on getting Python, any modules needed, and an editor/IDE installed (particularly on Windows) before the session, and maybe start a bit early for those who need help with getting those set up and familiarised. Otherwise the time might be swallowed up by installation issues and command line questions. Depends on how much you intend to cover I suppose.

I have a little experience with Python so I'll come along and play teaching assistant if that would be helpful :)


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