[Swansea Hackspace] RepRapPro Fisher Delta for sale

Matthew Daubney matt at daubers.co.uk
Sun Nov 11 18:20:35 GMT 2018


As many of you know I'm moving away soon, and as part of that I'm trying to
reduce the amount of "stuff" I have to move with. In that vein I have 2 3d
printers, which is 1 too many tbh. So....

I have a RepRapPro Fisher Delta I'd like to part ways with. It's mostly
built from acrylic (side panels, arms and so forth) and has a Duet
controller in it. It talks over serial and HTTP. The bed isn't heated, it
uses buildTak and I have a spare buildTak sheet to go with it.

It does have a crack on one of the acrylic side panels around a screw hole,
but the dxf's, stl's and design files are available from github linked
through https://reprap.org/wiki/Fisher ( https://github.com/emaker/Fisher ).

Ideally I'd like £75 for this beasty as that's what I think the parts are
worth. I'll be down at the crafternoon this week and the open evening a
week monday. Shout and let me know if you're interested and I can bring it


Matt Daubney
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