[Swansea Hackspace] [Announce] Cancellation of scheduled events

Tom Lake tom at swansea.hackspace.org.uk
Thu Mar 19 20:37:47 GMT 2020

Hi all,

Following the updated guidance regarding COVID-19, we are cancelling all
scheduled events in the space until Friday 17th April. This will be
reviewed as guidance changes.

We are not, at this time, going to close the space. We would ask anyone
that fits the current guidelines for self-isolation to do so, and to
remain away from the Hackspace. Please consider whether or not you need
to be in the Hackspace for a particular reason before visiting, and
leave the space clean and tidy on your departure.

An equivalent message will be posted to our social media groups/pages
and the website.

Various other hackspaces are imposing similar restrictions, including
Newport. They have set up a Slack instance that is open to anyone
interested, to allow for some online sharing and discussions while
access to the physical spaces is reduced. You can find that Slack
instance here if you would like to join in:

Take care of yourselves, and stay in contact - just not physically :-)

On behalf of the directors

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