[Swansea Hackspace] Medical Mask Printing

Tom Lake tom at swansea.hackspace.org.uk
Tue Mar 24 12:54:44 GMT 2020

Alex - given last night's change in guidance to stay at home as much as
possible, you may want to double check that there aren't more local
solutions before travelling halfway across the country.

Nobody should be visiting the hackspace to access the printer, equipment
or supplies while the current stay at home guidance remains in effect,
and if there's a more central location for discussing this particular
project, you should probably move the discussions there.

I had originally intended to say that I was happy with further
discussions to take place here, but given that Andy has had to comment
on that twice *while I've been putting this email together* means that I
do not want to see any continuation of this thread at this point.

In general, while I can appreciate the desire to do _something_ and be
helpful, just be mindful that there is zero point manufacturing anything
that hasn't been asked for.

There is a "How you can help" section on the UK government site
(https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus) which is taking registration details
for companies with relevant manufacturing experience and capabilities.
If there's more demand for things like these face shields then I would
expect to see either further requests on that site or more direct
requests from the local health boards. I'm sure we'll consider what we
can do - either from the Space directly or as a group of people with the
collective knowledge and equipment that we have access to - if that sort
of request starts to appear.

Stay safe, look after yourselves and your families and play nicely on
here, please.

- Tom

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