My name is Chris, and I'm a Physics PhD student at Swansea University. During the day I levitate and cool glass nanoparticles with a laser. When I'm not working on my PhD project like I'm supposed to be doing, I try to make use of the luxury that is having a brand new experimental physics laboratory all to yourself - It's a tough life...
I'm interested in all things analog, digital, mechanical, optical, Python, Arduino, LaTeX, Linux, CNC etc.
I'm fairly handy with Python and arduino, as well as Linux/GNU etc. I love finding "gratuitously over engineered solutions" to problems, preferably nested in that space between chunky high power hardware (read: lasers) and beautiful computer control (playing with PID and Kalman filters).
I'm currently building a roamer style robot - hoping to be able to get it to build a virtual model of the room it's in; and a 3 axis CNC router.
I have experience with CAD & CAM and interfacing between the two.
I'm new to Swansea (Jan 2016) and would love to learn some new skills and share what little I know!