[Swansea Hackspace] Locations around the train station

Gerrit Niezen gerrit.niezen at gmail.com
Sun Mar 24 15:27:52 GMT 2013

> £5K for that kind of space plus rates plus bills plus insurance is about
> what I would expect. Also you may want to check what happens if the let
> it at a cheaper rate - a lot of arrangements like that include clauses
> where they get to boot you out with a months notice the day a full paying
> tenant shows up. Not a big deal for an Oxfam but rather more for a
> hackspace perhaps ?

The cheaper rate would be less than £3k. I would imagine that moving to a larger space will be inevitable eventually as the number of members grow. Maybe we could use the "Questions" feature on the Swansea Hackspace Facebook page to have an opinion poll on how much people would be willing to pay? Or maybe there is another opinion poll website for people who don't have FB?

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