[Swansea Hackspace] Articles of association, or the constitution of our hackspace

Gerrit Niezen gerrit.niezen at gmail.com
Sun Oct 20 14:25:28 BST 2013

> Then whether or not to hold an AGM should probably be something we
> decided on now rather than later.

I think an AGM is a good idea. We don't *have* to re-elect new directors each year (London Hackspace still has directors that were appointed in 2010/11: http://wiki.london.hackspace.org.uk/view/Directors), but we give the members the opportunity to do so.

Shall we then also keep the directors to be a minimum of three?

>> so i would be careful of the clause that specified some specific
>> website to do voting etc via, as that would be artificially
>> limiting.
> Agreed. I also don't particularly like the idea of tieing us to a particular service in the articles.

I have removed sub-clause 35(d) that states:

"The Governance System to be used on the adoption of these articles shall be that supplied by One Click Orgs and accessed on the World Wide Web at the address http://london-gov.hackspace.org.uk"

Note that clauses 35-37 allow directors to either use a web-based system or use written resolutions to make decisions. I've therefore left the rest clause 35 and 36 so that the directors can adopt a web-based system if they wish to.

I have contacted One Click Orgs, and their software is still under development (London Hackspace is still using an in-house system - both are available as open source on GitHub). The first software release is still 6 months away, and is intended to provide amongst other things membership management (e.g. sign-ups) and electronic voting for members. They have asked if we'd like to be alpha testers of the system, and I think we should consider this.
As always, the direct link to the latest version of the draft is here (.pdf): 


PS - Note that there are no costs involved with changing directors or updating the constitution with Companies House.

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