[Swansea Hackspace] Raspberry Pi laptop

Ian Bullfrog sevendev.tk at gmail.com
Wed Oct 29 10:45:27 GMT 2014

seen these?
i cant find the original article
which was something like

wifi on the chip

(Not cheap, pringles joke)


I remember the original article saying that it could detect wireless 
networks up to 10 miles away!!!

might be handy in the campervan/site /anywhere you fancy scenario

oh and I just got an email from the hackspace payments section saying 
that my membership was about to expire,
but nothing from a human. oh well.

not sure how it works for the likes of myself who travels a lot I guess, 
but has limited funds, so I may just have to pop in on the occasional 
workshops and make donations instead as a steady tenner a month after 
the 20 adds up to a fair bit for someone who lives on less than £1.5K a 
year (yes thats right) and runs a car....occasionally.
and I cant guarentee when I'll be around, and have only been there a 
handful of times.
such is the life of a traveller.


It was good to get my brains tested there, enjoyed the 3d printing bit, 
tried donating, 2 fridges, pc cases, loaning lots of test equipment, 
shelves etc, but alas none of it accepted, so I have it all here still 
awaiting my lonesome tinkering (except the fridges, they went) so if 
anyone else is after stuff let me know.

till they bin my emails too, tata for now

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