[Swansea Hackspace] New Project - Powerpack for a laptop

djdavies83 djdavies83 at hotmail.com
Fri Sep 12 13:05:30 BST 2014

I wouldn't mind adding a little content to the project/batteries section.
On the way home a the other night I stoppoed into Aldi for some bits and notice a 14.4v Acer laptop battery next the the recycling point and thought I wiuld do the responsible thing and teuse rather than have it go through a process of recycling.

Checked each cell and they were all at 4.18v, used a iMax B6 charger and disscharged then to 70% for storage and from the mAh disscharged they appear to be 2700(ish)mAh even though the labels say 2500mAh.

So very happy with that find, I'll put a pair in my DIY transmitter and properly record the process of salvaging used laptop cells fow low power application.

Won't make it again tonight, family life snares me once again.

No animals were harmed in the making of this email. However, several thousand electrons were severely inconvenienced.

<div>-------- Original message --------</div><div>From: Justin Mitchell <justin at discordia.org.uk> </div><div>Date:12/09/2014  10:35  (GMT+00:00) </div><div>To: hackspace at swansea.hackspace.org.uk </div><div>Subject: Re: [Swansea Hackspace] New Project - Powerpack for a laptop </div><div>
On Fri, 2014-09-12 at 10:28 +0100, Gerrit Niezen wrote:
> Would anyone be willing to throw up a reference page on the hackspace
> wiki for batteries?

The Projects/ subsection of the site is open for anyone to add pages to
if they want to add content.

I need to reorganise the various tutorials and other reference stuff
sometime as well, so we can add more basic electronics reference
materials etc, any suggestions for a suitable title for such a section?

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