[Swansea Hackspace] Goodbye Sunrise, Hello future...

Justin Mitchell justin at swansea.hackspace.org.uk
Mon Aug 24 11:35:14 BST 2015

We are now pretty well settled and moved into our spectacular new space
on the 1st Floor of Techhub. A huge thanks to everyone that helped, and
especially to the TechHub directors for sponsoring us and making this

The directors feel that now is the right time to declare the end of our
sunrise phase of fixed pricing, and to embrace the "Pay what you can"
model popular with other hackspaces, as we move forward and expand our

Effective immediately we are dropping the signup fee for new members
paying by standing order or direct debit, and existing members can
select their own monthly payments.

The recommended monthly payment is £15 to reflect the huge leap in
facilities since we first started over a year ago. Members that pay at
least £10 a month are entitled to one storage box, and may opt to pay
extra for additional boxes or storage lockets (see website). Those on a
low income can opt to pay as little as £5 (the minimum payment level),
although it should be noted that this will not include a storage box.
Particularly enthusiastic and active members may wish to contribute £20
or more, as many of us directors will be doing.

To help make payment simpler, and to reduce the transaction fees, we
have setup a direct debit scheme via gocardless, existing members can
sign into the website and use the 'My Account' page to activate this
feature. A version for new signups will appear shortly.

We are hopeful that these changes will make us more accessible to the
creative, artistic and student communities, and that it will stimulate a
new range of exciting activities and events for us all to enjoy. We will
monitor progress and ensure that this flexibility continues to meet our
financial obligations.

Our tools, equipment, and skill sets have grown hugely over the last
year with all the support and help of our members, and we are very
excited for the opportunities this new space gives us and we hope to
spread the word and take even more people on this journey of discovery
with us. 

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