[Swansea Hackspace] Vinyl Cutter

Nathan Hackett nhackett1 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 22 08:15:38 BST 2015

If anyone wants to have a go at using this, here's the steps to get it

Install inkscape
Run inkscape once

Install inkcut

Replace this config file


In inkscape, select the object you want to plot, making sure it has been
converted to paths
>From the menu, Extensions > Cutter/Plotter > Inkcut
Make sure you have ttyUSBx selected in the device properties
Set the baud rate to match the cutter
Jam a pen into the blade holder!
Use the arrow buttons on the machine to move the head to your home
position, then zero with the target button.
Switch to online mode (big green button)
'Click Plot Paths' in Inkcut

If you get stuck just ask, or if you have any suggestions for setting it up
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