[Swansea Hackspace] Fwd: [uk-hackspaces] "Bring me the bacon" challenge

Thomas Lake tom at swansea.hackspace.org.uk
Tue Jan 12 10:47:12 GMT 2016

As mentioned to a couple of people last night. More detail on the course 
is here: http://roverchallenge.net/the-course/

- Tom

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	[uk-hackspaces] "Bring me the bacon" challenge
Date: 	Thu, 3 Sep 2015 14:30:25 -0700 (PDT)
From: 	Simon Green <simon at sjg.io>
Reply-To: 	uk-hackspaces at googlegroups.com
To: 	UK-Hackspaces <uk-hackspaces at googlegroups.com>

[Originally posted on rlab mailing list

This is open to all hackspaces so posting here for further distribution]

Barnaby, Jon and I are planning an event :)

*The Challenge*
Deliver a bacon sandwich to a hungry judge sat 500m away using an
autonomous ground based autonomous vehicle.

*The Course*
Here is an overview of the course: http://i.imgur.com/OnoVwji.jpg
Here is detail on the first leg which includes 3 options:
http://i.imgur.com/rLY5CJz.jpg <http://i.imgur.com/rLY5CJz.jpg>
Here is detail on the final legs: http://i.imgur.com/tvdRZjt.jpg
Here is a Google Streetview link to checkpoint 1: https://goo.gl/maps/0KyIt

The shortest path is approximately 570 meters with terrain including
steps, ramps and humps.

*The Rules*
These rules will be refined as we get closer, but wanted to get people
thinking about it now :)

  1. Each team will be given a single bacon sandwich in a box.
  2. Primary goal is for the sandwich to get as close to the finish zone
     as possible.
  3. 10 points will be awarded per checkpoint reached, including the finish.
  4. 20 points will be awarded based on judges verdict on originality of
  5. 2 points will be awarded per checkpoint for demonstrating accurate
     and live “telemetry” received at one of the start or the finish
     (designated at the start of the run). For the purposes of this rule,
     “telemetry” shall mean one or more of the following:
      1. Current lat/long of the vehicle
      2. Current relative position of the vehicle from a known point
      3. Movement currently in process (e.g. Driving course 270 degrees
         to Checkpoint4 at 3 meters per second)
      4. Remaining power in battery
      5. Anything the judges consider to be telemetry in the spirit of
         the above
  6. 1 point will be awarded per checkpoint for demonstrating usable live
     video footage from the vehicle received at one of the start or the
     finish (designated at the start of the run).
  7. In the event of a tie the winner shall be chosen based on number of
     checkpoints passed. If the number of checkpoints passed is the same
     then the winner shall be the one with the fastest time to reach that
  8. You cannot modify the course, although the organisers may “augment”
     some of the signage to aid computer vision techniques if desired.

Some time in April 2016. TBC closer, but likely towards the end.
23-24 Hercules Way, Farnborough, Hampshire, GU14 6UU.
This is Wirehive's offices (where Jon, Barnaby & I work).

*Who can enter? Is it a team affair?*
Anyone. We're hoping for 10 vehicles, that would be a nice number. If it
goes wild (which I doubt tbh) then we might have to cap it.

*What do I win?*
The admiration and pride of your peers as well as a deep seated sense of
satisfaction and self accomplishment.

*What about practice runs?*
My thinking right now is we do the trials in the afternoon with
practicing, repairing and final tweak in the morning.

*But I have so many questions?!*
This is a work in progress. We'll refine as we go. Ask questions and
we'll figure it out :)
Original post is


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