[Swansea Hackspace] Logos etc...

Nathan Hackett nhackett1 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 18 21:48:13 BST 2016

I don't know how much a redesign/rebrand would actually help. Maybe not at
all. I'd be happy to work on any ideas people have. Pokemon lures are
likely to get us people loitering outside, not much use if they can't
easily get in the building!

On Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 8:54 PM, Richard Morgan <
richard.morgan at avocation.co.uk> wrote:

> Quick question - who are we aiming at?
> - who do we think is most likely to 'join'
> OR
> - who do we think is most likely to come through the door at least (maybe
> join later)
> And then....
> ...what does our logo/visuals need to look like to attract them?
> Have we attracted over the last 2 yrs all the 'geeks' we're likely to get?
> - would we be better setting up a Pokemon 'lure' to get people through the
> door?
> On Monday, 18 July 2016, Paul Harwood <paul at harwood-leon.com> wrote:
>> love the first logo, quite versatile too.
>> — Paul
>> On 18 Jul 2016, at 20:36, Nathan Hackett <nhackett1 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Whoops, wrong 2nd link-
>> http://nathanhackett.com/hackspace.jpg
>> On Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 8:35 PM, Nathan Hackett <nhackett1 at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Been doing some mockups for a potential new logo/branding - for the
>>> website, flyers, vinyl logo for the glass doors etc. This is doesn't
>>> represent more than a couple hours work so please don't worry about being
>>> tactful!
>>> http://nathanhackett.com/hackspace.png
>>> If people are happy with the 'square' motif I'll put some more time into
>>> a polished version, with some depth and detail. The kerning on the text
>>> needs a lot of tweaking. The quadcopter/circuit diagram graphics are just
>>> placeholders, I'd do nice hand-drawn versions which fit better.
>>> Any feedback at all would be useful, or suggestions, or other logos that
>>> people like. Some earlier tests, not planning on using any of these-
>>> http://nathanhackett.com/hackspace.png
>>> Next stage after logos is some website layouts. :)
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> --
> Kind regards,
> Richard
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