[Swansea Hackspace] Anyone interested in a ESP-32 course?

Justin Mitchell justin at swansea.hackspace.org.uk
Fri Sep 16 15:48:37 BST 2016

On Fri, 2016-09-16 at 15:39 +0100, Nathan Hackett wrote:
> I think because it's such a new chip it might be worthwhile even if
> it's just to get people "up and running" with them.  Personally I
> have several projects which would be nice to standardise on one board
> that does everything. The dual processors mean that you could build
> something with a web interface, without affecting realtime stuff (pwm
> etc).

I had a quick look around aliexpress, 99% of the listings for ESP32
devices are "preorder" so I am a bit dubious of the ones that aren't,
may need to wait a month or two for the availability to improve, also
for the arduino integration to be done.

Would people be interested in the bare modules, which you are going to
need to make a PCB to be able to use, or should we also wait for some
more interesting carrier boards to appear?

I did find the other day an interesting ESP8266 board that is Uno
compatible, but features an ESP-12E module, they are cheaper than even
the knockoff Uno's are, and of course way more powerful.

Do you think anyone would be interested in a workshop using these ?
e.g. https://www.aliexpress.com/item//32485777190.html

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