[Swansea Hackspace] Large metal secure cabinet

Justin Mitchell justin at swansea.hackspace.org.uk
Thu Nov 16 14:37:33 GMT 2017

On Thu, 2017-11-16 at 12:27 +0000, Nathan Hackett wrote:
> Ok so, Monday is decision day for the cabinet... It's going in Liz's
> van and either coming out at her house or the Hackspace. :)
> This is the proposed location, it's almost exactly the width of the
> orange column and black shelving unit combined. Height demonstrated
> by our lovely assistant. Fairly shallow so it'll be less intrusive
> than the existing white unit.
> http://nathanhackett.com/cabinet3.jpg
> Directors please weigh in. ;)
Whatever the members want, as long as it doesn't cause safety, legal,
or money issues :)

But as a general guideline, for this and any other stuff that members
think would be interesting to have in the space...

1) Have a specific use for it in mind
2) Work out how to get it there
3) Be sure that it isn't going to create a legal or safety issue
4) Find somewhere to put it that doesn't cause other issues
4) If it displaces something else, apply 3 to that item as well
5) If it costs money, is it going to get used or benefit members enough
to justify its cost.

answer all those in a convincing way and generally the answer is yes go
for it.

So in this case I would like to think you have considered where the
brainfarts board, the white cupboard, and the exhibits that were on it
are all going to go ?

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