[Swansea Hackspace] Nintendo Labo (or introducing kids to making stuff)

Matthew Daubney matt at daubers.co.uk
Thu Jan 18 09:41:00 GMT 2018

I don't know if anyone saw https://labo.nintendo.com/ last night/this
morning. It's a new game(s) that Nintendo are bringing out where you
construct some things out of cardboard to act as controllers in the game.
The ones they've shwn are a fishing rod, a car steering type thing and a
backpack with cuffs that attach to your wrists so you can control a robot
in the game.

It looks a pretty good way of getting kids into building stuff, and adults
too! I know there's complications about running workshops with children
involved, but there might be an opportunity for us to springboard off this
by running "Help with your Labo" type workshops?

I dunno, I just thought it would be good to get into the collective

-Matt Daubney
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