40W CO2 laser cutter - £349
List price: £349 including delivery
Total £349 paid out of £349 total pledged towards target £349.
User | Amount | Paid |
justin | £50 | Paid |
eclipse | £20 | Paid |
ceri | £30 | Paid |
ProjectMonkey | £20 | Paid |
gwion101? | £25 | Paid |
rparkera | £50 | Paid |
tswsl1989 | £20 | Paid |
preseli | £40 | Paid |
Anonymous | £40 | Paid |
gerrit | £30 | Paid |
picopixie | £24 | Paid |
LY3020 - £529.12
This laser cutter will need some modifications to work with anything except the crippled windows software it ships with, and will need additions to make it work smoothly.
Extras :-
Estimated total cost £700
Also please note that a laser cutter is not a one-off cost, the laser tube, the mirrors and lenses must be considered consumables, the laser tube has an expected lifetime of 1000 hours, and costs £150 to replace. So there will be an appropriate usage charge for this equipment, a suggested rate is £5 per hour.
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Top of our Poll for most wanted new tools is a laser cutter.
A laser cutter allows engraving of many materials, as well as cutting of a selection of non-metallic materials upto about 3-4mm in thickness such as acrylic, plywood and paper/card.
My research so far has revealed the following :-
All of the cutters listed, and all the ones that i can find within a reasonable price range come with propriatry windows software, often old (eg win xp only) and limited. The simplest answer appears to be to replace the entire control board with something more open and standard eg RAMPS, which can handle more than enough stepper drivers (2 or 3) and control outputs to run the machine with standard GCODE.
Further research is suggesting that a parallel port cutter is going to be almost identical to a cnc machine in its interfacing, that could be run with linuxcnc/mach3, or by attaching an external arduino running GRBL/Marlin and translating to usb+gcode. So you could get a sane linux interface without needing to tamper with the internals (not that they are complex) seems that unlike cnc this isnt true, and that the moshidraw boards that so many use have an encrypted protocol on parallel and usb, making the control board completely useless.
Various videos show that all of the power control is handled by the psu, the stop switches, safety interlocks and laser tube drive are on the psu board. which in turn gives 5v, gnd, laser trigger (ttl), and a motor drive voltage (24v?). a seperate motor drive board then deals with the X/Y axis steppers, end stops, and triggering the laser (which you can PWM for finer control). So replacing that board is pretty straightforward, and doesnt involve any high voltages and isnt responsible for safety cutoff switches etc.
Cooling water flow is important, pump should probably be powered off same mains switch as the cutter.
A liquid flow switch on the coolant output pipe could be wired to the extruder temperature sensor input, so that action could be automatically prevented/stopped if flow ceased.
Just Add Sharks - Blacknose. A3 laser cutter. £3000
HPC Laser - LS3050 PRO £3000
Swordsman C50-4040 £980 (+ any vat and duty)
LY6040 A2 laser cutter £1,291.81 (shipped from UK)