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Swansea Hackspace AGM 2018

8th February 2017 - Swansea Hackspace, 11 Wind Street

This is an opportunity for all members to discuss and vote on topics that affect the group as a whole, to hear how we have been performing as a company, as well as to vote for the directors for the coming year.

Non-members are welcome to observe, but will not be able to vote.

If you have any questions, please ask a director or contact us by email to directors@swansea.hackspace.org.uk

Proxy votes

Members unable to attend may appoint a proxy to vote on their behalf, in accordance with article 18 of our Articles of Association.

To nominate a proxy, please send a notice which:

  • States the name and address of the member appointing the proxy
  • Identifies the person appointed to be that member’s proxy
  • States that it is valid for this AGM
  • and is signed by or on behalf of the member appointing the proxy

before the start of the meeting. Notices may optionally contain instructions detailing how the proxy should vote.

Notices will be accepted as signed paperwork handed to a director or as S/MIME signed email sent to directors@swansea.hackspace.org.uk


  • 23:59 24th January: Nominations for directors close
  • 23:59 31st January: Agenda submissions close
  • 19:00 7th February - AGM.

Application for director

Any member may stand for election as a director. They must also be nominated by a member other than themselves. Both members need to complete and sign the attached form and return it to one of the current directors before nominations close (see above).

Directors will be voted for individually, a 50% yes vote is required. If more than a total of 5 qualify, they will be selected in order of descending number of yes votes.


If you have any items you would like on the agenda please send them to directors@swansea.hackspace.org.uk before the Agenda submission close date above.

The draft agenda is shown below, and the final agenda will be published 7 days prior to the AGM.

  1. Distribute Brownies
  2. Minutes of last AGM and matters arising
  3. Financial Summary
  4. Election of Directors, by Poll
    1. Tim Clark (Re-election)
    2. Elizabeth Diffley
    3. Nathan Hackett
  5. Update Rules of Conduct
  6. Scholarships: Rewarding useful activities with membership subs
    1. Ratio with paying members, 1:10 ?
    2. For running workshops ?
    3. For writing news letters / advertising ?
  7. Handling communications - We need a better method of dealing with enquiries, just the directors is too few people, the mailing list too wide. Recruit more people to a helper/admin list, or some other mechanism ?
  8. Helpers / Section lead - Who is taking responsibility for various areas?
  9. Funding Priorities - Which areas would people most like to see money spent on? vote will guide directors spending priorities for the coming year. By show of hands...
    1. 3D Printing
    2. Laser cutting / engraving
    3. Textiles / Hand crafts
    4. Other misc tools
    5. Stock of materials
    6. Furniture / Environment
    7. Other suggestions...
  10. Workshops - What would people like to see?
  11. Equipment - Whats missing? Planned upgrades?
  12. Pick'n'Mix and other supplies - what should we stock?
  13. News letter - we really need a regular update going out, volunteers?
  14. Advertising - someone needs to keep poking Whats On Guides etc.
  15. Gamification - Open badges? for skills, for attendance, for helping... ?
  16. Group project - any ideas?
  17. Longer term plans? Growth, Services, Premises
  18. Any other business?
- Last change February 07, 2018, at 11:49 AM
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