2017 Q3 - July 1st 12-4pm
2017 Q3 - August 5th 12-4pm or so
Topics to be dealt with
Regular recurring activities
- Empty all the bins / recycling
- Vacuum the floor
- Tidy all the things
- Empty the box-of-shame, reclaim any useful parts, bin the rest
- Check if any boxes are in use by expired members, move contents to box-of-shame
- Reclaim any boxes that have wandered off, make sure shelves are full
- check snack-space stock levels, prod nathan?
- Order lunch
Additional tasks for this time
- Label / Document ownership of ALL the equipment
- Construct shelves, possibly buy more from Argos
- Machine room - storage?
- Fit letter box in directors locker
- Upgrade computers?
- Create a box-of-hack, put any random hackable items in there, or otherwise label them
- Please add some