[Swansea Hackspace] URGENT: 3d printer problems

David Davies-Day djdavies83 at hotmail.com
Sun Mar 5 12:04:13 GMT 2017

I had a little issue with getting the first layer down when I was trying to use Ceri's printer on Tuesday night, the menu system was working correctly.

Ceri,  if I can make it in Monday,  with your permission I would like to replace the tie wraps that hold the bed to the Z rails. Would you be available for video chat if I get stuck?

Re YouTube instructions:

During the induction I recorded a lot of to footage as reference for making member only video tutorials, unfortunately my SD card corrupted and the video is lost. I will get round to making videos as I do things on each machine, this may take a while as family commitments take most of my time.

Last night I realised my 64Gb micro SD was not in my phone, if anyone happens to spot it around the 3D printers or over by the small paper printer please let me know.

No animals were harmed in the making of this email. However, several thousand electrons were severely inconvenienced.

-------- Original message --------
From: Justin Mitchell <justin at swansea.hackspace.org.uk>
Date:05/03/2017 11:04 AM (GMT+00:00)
To: hackspace at swansea.hackspace.org.uk
Subject: Re: [Swansea Hackspace] URGENT: 3d printer problems

On Sun, 2017-03-05 at 00:18 +0000, Neil Jones wrote:
> I have just spent a frustrating evening trying to get either of the
> 3d
> printers working,
> 1. How do I get started with the reprap. I did the induction. I don't
> know what is necessary to get the printer started. For example how to
> power it and control it white starting it up and feeding in the
> filament,.

Follow the power cable from the bottom corner of the printer to the
silver psu, make sure its plugged in.

control is via the website:
remote: http://reprap.swansea.hackspace.org.uk

using the ip address is often faster.

the controls from there should be familiar.

> 2, Ceri's printer is a masterpiece of design. I am always pointing it
> out to new people as a good example of lateral thinking as it is made
> of wood.
> However, I failed to get it going. After creating my file and putting
> it on the card. The next step is to scroll through a menu.

You have to push the knob in the activate/select things, twiddle it to
change selection.

> I'd be happy to help on producing improved instructions once I get
> something working. It would also be useful to have someone who
> doesn't
> yet have detailed experience to assist in trying them out.
Please do.

The entire website is a wiki, much of it is editable by members,
improving the guides that are there is helpfuil to everyone.

just shout at me if you dont have an 'Edit' link on the relevant page.

> Would it be useful for the space to have its own Youtube account?

If someone wants to make the videos for it, i.e. not me :)

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