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Using the The Space's 3D Printers

The printer should only be used by persons that have attended an orientation class.

Ceri's Custom Build 3D Printers..

Hackspace's RepRap Printer

Useful configuration values :-

  • Printer Model: RepRapPro Prusa Mendel
  • Comms speed: 125000 baud
  • GCode type: RepRap / Marlin
  • Print area: 200 x 200 x 140 mm
  • Filament diameter: 1.75 mm
  • Nozzle diameter: 0.5 mm
  • Hotbed temperature: for PLA 57 - 60 °C
  • Nozzle temperature: for PLA around 185 °C

Some typical slice values:

  • Layer thickness: Normal 0.2mm, Coarse: 0.4, Extra fine: 0.1mm
  • Vertical shell: 2 layers / 1.0mm
  • Horizontal shell: 2 bottom, 3 top / (3 times layer mm)
  • Infill: 30% honeycomb

Common workflow:

  1. OpenSCAD -> Export to STL
  2. Check the model in MeshLAB if you don't trust your CAD program
  3. Slic3r -> Export to GCODE
  4. Check the result in GCode Analyzer
  5. Upload the file to Octoprint


  • Pronterface/Printrun on OS X 10.9: If the laptop goes to sleep, or the Printrun window is hidden, the print stops. This is due to Maverick's “App nap” feature. Luckily it is easy to fix. Right-click on the Printrun icon in Finder, select “Get Info” and check the “Prevent App Nap” box.
- Last change January 06, 2017, at 04:37 PM
- Registered in England and Wales 08777436