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Hackspace Group Projects

A list of open project ideas that people in the space can collaborate on and will benefit the space itself.

Event List Panel Project

Building a dedicated electronic notice board which will display the list of upcoming events and always be up to date with the current list as it will feed from our official calendar entries.

For full details visit the Event List Project page

Flipdot Panel Project

Re-purposing second hand bus display signs. These old electro-mechanical signs have a wonderous sound and look about them, this projects reverse engineers the electronics required to drive these panels, builds new control hardware and software, then hooks an array of them upto a raspberry pi for an interactive display system.

For full details visit the Flipdot Project page

Lightning Strike Detector Project

It's amazing to see how many times lighting strikes around the world.

This project aims to build a lightning strike detector at Swansea Hackspace and add it as a node into the wider world lighting location detector network that record lighting strikes as they occur around the globe - and maps them link here.
The project itself will involve the building of our own lighting detector rig which will join the worldwide network and detect lighting strikes in and around the Swansea area.

Arcade Game Project

Bring back the 80s with PACMAN and STREET FIGHTER.

The aim of this project is to have a fully functioning Arcade Game cabinet working in the Hackspace. Think of all the old classics, Donkey Kong, PacMan etc and imagine being able to play those favourites while working in the space on your projects.
I'm sure it won't be too much of a distraction ;-) link here

Project Proposals & Funding

If you have an idea for a new group project and would like to get some funding then please contact the directors with your Project Proposal

If you would like to find out more just pop along any Monday night 7pm to the Swansea Hackspace Social and meet the gang.

Also visit individual Members Pages for more personal projects and ideas

- Last change May 08, 2019, at 06:02 PM
- Registered in England and Wales 08777436