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Suggested or Offered Workshops

This page is a place for members to offer workshops and courses that they could run, as well as a place to suggest or request workshops that you would like to see.

Please login to vote or add suggestions

Currently offered

AliceDrop-inDie Cutting are paper craft1 like
AliceDrop-inOrigami workshop - the original make8 likes
AliceShortDecorative Chainmaille with jumprings5 likes
AliceShortMaking Jewellery with wirewrap, common techniques7 likes

Previously offered

TimShortHow to use an Oscilloscope9 likes
Tim4 hoursBread Baking5 likes
TimAnyHow to bake things, You choose what4 likes
TimShortHow to maintain your bike3 likes
EmyrShortIntroduction to Amateur Radio4 likes
Emyrweekly sessions + ExamAmateur Radio (Foundation course)17 likes
GerritShortDIYBio: Grow your own yeast (and learn basic lab technique)6 likes
GerritShortDIYBio: Build your own photospectrometer7 likes
GerritTwo short sessions two weeks apartDIYBio: Grow your own artificial leather11 likes
Dr TimShortWhen Analogue meets Digital11 likes
TomShortTypesetting with LaTeX2 likes
TomShortBeamer: Presentations with LaTeX3 likes
LizShortIntroduction to sewing machines, the basicsNo likes yet.
Liz/SophiaShortMaking PizzaNo likes yet.

Laser Cutter specific topics

Laser Cutter Induction13 likes
Engraving Illuminated Signs7 likes
Rubber Stamp Making8 likes
Designing Acrylic Project Boxes8 likes
Customised Festive Decorations3 likes
Filigree and Fretwork in Card4 likes
Laser Cut Stencil making4 likes


Ubuntu for Beginners4 likes
Textiles/Wearables Workshop7 likes
FPGAs for beginners4 likes

Oldies but goodies

Previous workshops that you would like to see again.

3D Design in OpenSCAD6 likes
2D Design in Inkscape7 likes
Arduino for Beginners3 likes
AVR Bootloader Thing for Beginners3 likes
ESP8266 Wifi board5 likes
3D Printer Induction Course10 likes
CNC Mill Induction Course13 likes
Using 'git' version control7 likes


1 Amateur Radio course and exam will give you a foundation licence that would allow you to enjoy the amateur radio hobby, and use transmitters up to 5W in power on the amateur radio bands. The hobby is diverse, it covers simple voice communications, the use of repeaters on land and in space, low power digital modes, and the quaint and old fashioned Morse code which is still very popular today for low power world wide communication. Follow the link to the RSGB website to learn more. [[http://rsgb.org/main/get-started-in-amateur-radio/]]

- Last change March 16, 2025, at 02:54 PM
- Registered in England and Wales 08777436