This is an opportunity for all members to discuss and vote on topics that affect the group as a whole, to hear how we have been performing as a company, as well as to vote for the directors for the coming year.
As this is our first AGM all of the directors are up for re-election, if anyone wishes to stand for a position as director the form is below.
Non-members are welcome to observe, but will not be able to vote.
Please reserve A free ticket to give us an idea of numbers so that we can book a larger room if required.
Any member may stand for election as a director, they must also be nominated by a member (not themselves), both members need to complete and sign the attached form and return it to one of the current directors before nominations close.
Nomination Form
Nominations are now closed.
The following persons are standing for election as directors :-
We require a minimum of 3 directors to be appointed, there will be a simple for or against vote for each Nominee.
If, as a member, you are unable to attend the AGM in person you may nominate another member to vote and act on your behalf. To do this please get a note to us prior to the meeting start, stating your name and address, the name of the person that you wish to be your proxy (you may nominate an existing director if you have noone else) plus any (optional) special instructions you have for how they should vote. Submit this either as signed paperwork, or as S/MIME signed email.
This agenda is a work in progress, you may submit items for consideration to the current directors, the final agenda will be published 7 days prior to the AGM.