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Upcoming Meetings, Events and Workshops

Want to see something else? Check our list of suggestions to add or vote on new topics

Meetings are also listed on our Facebook and Discord social media.

One off events


When: Wednesday 20th November 2024 - 7pm onwards...
What: Annual General Meeting
Who: Members only

Welcome to your annual opportunity to vote for your directors, hear the latest developments, and have you say in how the space is run.

Agenda for Wednesday 20th November 2024

Let us know if there's anything you would particularly like to see, or anything you would like to run!

Regularly occuring events


When: Every Monday, 7pm - 9:00pm
What: Open Social Night
Where: Swansea Hackspace, 21/22 Park Street, Swansea, SA1 3DJ

Regular Open Night and Social, open to everyone, feel free to drop in, have a look around, and meet people.

If you don't have building access, Buzz Us and someone will let you in! Directions & Map...


When: 4th Saturday Every Month. 1pm to 4pm
What: Sewing Clinic
Who: Free and open to non-members
Next: Saturday 22nd February 2025

We are running a sewing clinic on a monthly basis at Swansea Hackspace. The workshop is running on a drop in basis and is open to all skill levels. You can also bring your own machine or use the one that we have in the space! Did you always want to give it a go but threading a sewing machine feels daunting? We can help you take your first steps. Is your machine playing up recently? We can show you the basics of servicing and maintaining it. Do you have a project you are stuck with or you never have time to work on it at home? Come and meet other sewists and get inspired to finish it!


When: 1st Saturday Every Month. 1pm to 4pm
What: Electronics & Radio Club
Who: Free and open to non-members
Next: Saturday 1st March 2025

Our monthly Electronics and Radio club is aimed at anyone interested in electronics and/or radio to drop in and work on or get help with projects.

Not sure where to start with soldering or want some tips on improving the surface mount soldering on your latest project? Always wondered how to use an oscilloscope? Drop by and someone should be able to help you.

Interested in finding out about amateur radio and how to get licenced or have a licence and want to check your new radios performance on our equipment? One of our existing licence holders should have all the info you need.

People of all abilities are welcome to drop by for a chat and work on their projects using our variety of equipment in our friendly space.

Your Event?Soon

What: Whatever you want to see happen
When: Pick a Date and let us know
Who: Could be free to everyone, or have a cover charge for materials

This is your hackspace. Whilst the directors have to take care of the paperwork and legal aspects of running the hackspace, they are volunteers and members just like you and don't always have the time to put on workshops of their own. You don't need to be a director to run a workshop or other event, you don't even need to be an "expert" at anything.

If you have any kind of skill or craft that you are enthusiastic about, maybe something you just got started on, or something you wanted to try out but never found the time. Pretty much anything that you want to share with the world, or that would be more interesting if done as a group, can become a workshop of some kind.

If you have such an idea then please share it, simply pick a date from the calendar that isn't already in use, and let the directors know. This can be a one off, or a recurring event, choice is yours.

We welcome anyone that would like to run a workshop, or add Suggestions you would like to see.

You can also see a list of past Technical and Social meetings.

- Last change November 20, 2024, at 01:17 PM
- Registered in England and Wales 08777436